Additional Minerals Reporting Template

The Additional Minerals Reporting Template (AMRT), formerly known as the Pilot Reporting Template (PRT), is a free, standardized reporting template developed by the Responsible Minerals Initiative to identify pinch points and collect due diligence information for minerals not covered by the Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) and Extended Minerals Reporting Template (EMRT). This is a template that was formally launched on November 11, 2022. The RMI recommends using AMRT v. 1.2 or PRT v. 1.1 for the Reporting Year.

The PRT has been renamed as the AMRT, and the AMRT version 1.2 file was released on October 4, 2024. After nearly 2 years following its initial release, the PRT file has moved beyond a "pilot" phase, which justifies the new AMRT name. There were also reports of low supplier uptake with the PRT as companies may not have considered the PRT to be an official reporting template offered by the RMI or viewed it as an optional form. Therefore, the RMI anticipates greater participation with the AMRT as companies roll out their mineral surveys for the 2024 reporting year.

Download the Template

Download the latest version of the AMRT (version 1.2) below.

Download AMRT

The changes you will see in AMRT v. 1.2 (released October 4, 2024) include:

  • Addition of German language support
  • Minor corrections to Instructions and Checker tabs

The next version of the AMRT is anticipated to be released in the Fall of 2025.

Q: If AMRT is released in October 2024 and EMRT2.0 will be released in April 2025, are companies expected to use both MRTs to collect data for the four minerals added to EMRT2.0 (copper, graphite [natural], lithium, nickel)?

  • Although it depends on the survey schedule of individual companies, it is recommended to use EMRT2.0 to collect data on the four minerals after the release of EMRT2.0 scheduled in April 2025.
  • EMRT allows companies to gather and disclose more detailed due diligence information for each mineral and includes the smelter reference list, which contains facilities that have been identified by the RMI as eligible smelters for the minerals in scope of the EMRT.
  • If a company plans on surveying the four minerals before the EMRT2.0 release, they may use AMRT. However, if the survey of the same minerals is conducted in different reporting templates in a short period of time, the burden on suppliers will increase. Because of that, it is recommended that a company uniformly use either AMRT or EMRT, and not both.

Please use the CMRT for gold, tin, tantalum, and tungsten supplier reporting and the EMRT for cobalt and mica supplier reporting. The PRT is designed to cover supplier reporting for all other minerals not listed above.

FOR A LIST OF CURRENTLY IDENTIFIED SMELTERS, REFINERS, AND PROCESSORS, CLICK HERE. This list is subject to expand as additional facilities are confirmed.

The RMI has been made aware that modified versions of the CMRT and EMRT, and unofficial Raw Materials Reporting Template (RMRT) are being circulated. The RMI does not recognize any modified Minerals Reporting Template which was not developed through our cross-industry consensus process.

CIQ for Emerging Minerals (Excluding 3TG and Cobalt)

The disposition process to review and add processors is ongoing. To submit the name of a processor, download and complete the Company Identification Questionnaire (also available in Chinese). Submit completed Company Identification Questionnaires (CIQs) to

AMRT Completion Guide

Click here for a new downloadable guide on how to complete AMRT v. 1.2 and higher (Also applicable for PRT v. 1.1).


We welcome error reports, please contact us at


Frequently Asked Questions

    1. What is the Additional Minerals Reporting Template (AMRT)?
      • The Additional Minerals Reporting Template (AMRT) is a free, standardized reporting template developed by the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI). It facilitates the transfer of information through the supply chain regarding the smelters, refiners and processors* being utilized and supports the exercise of due diligence in accordance with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (OECD Guidance). The template also facilitates the identification of new smelters, refiners, and processors to potentially undergo an audit via the RMI’s Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP).
      • The AMRT was designed for downstream companies to gather and disclose information about their supply chains. RMI members collaboratively developed this tool to create efficiencies and simplify the supply chain surveying process. Downstream companies include those companies from the end user up to but not including the smelter, refiner or processor. If your company is a smelter, refiner or processor, we recommend you enter your company’s name in the Smelter List tab.
    2. Why is the AMRT different from the CMRT and EMRT?
      • The AMRT was created to enable efficient collection of supply chain data for any prioritized minerals, while preventing the proliferation of unique data collection templates. This allows companies to choose whether or not to implement any other mineral reporting not currently covered by the CMRT and EMRT.
      • The scope of the AMRT is determined by the user and currently allows input for up to ten minerals.
        Except for minerals covered by the CMRT and EMRT, there is not sufficient information on smelters, refiners, and processors necessary to smoothly conduct surveys and due diligence.
      • The CMRT and EMRT were designed to align the IPC-1755 Responsible Sourcing of Minerals Data Exchange Standard (“IPC Standard”), while the AMRT was not designed to fully align with this Standard. It is the intention that over time, additional minerals will be added into the EMRT, as determined by the RMI Minerals Reporting Template team. For additional background on the IPC Standard, refer to pg. 4 of the EMRT Completion Guide.
    3. Why does the AMRT not include a Smelter Look-up tab?
      • The AMRT was designed to support mineral agnostic survey activities in company supply chains with the user being able to specify up to ten minerals of their own choosing. Therefore, it would not be appropriate to include a Smelter Look-up tab as a fixed list.
      • Since there is an unknown quantity of Eligible smelters outside of the CMRT and EMRT scope that have yet to be identified, the AMRT can aid in mapping these mineral supply chains.
    4. Where do I submit my completed AMRT? Does RMI collect these?
      • The RMI does not collect AMRTs. AMRTs should be provided to your customers and as a good practice measure, and may be posted on your external web site.
      • If companies identify new Eligible processors through their AMRT survey process, they can submit a completed Company Identification Questionnaire (CIQ) to the RMI Assessment Team be added to the Facility Database* and Standard Smelter Lists, and initiate an RMAP assessment. (* The Facility Database is accessible to RMI members only.)
        • Eligible processors are those facilities that can undergo an RMAP assessment as defined by the RMI Standard.
    5. Why do companies need to assess their mineral priorities and associated ESG risks?
      • Risk-based approach is effective and encouraged considering companies’ limited resources and the level of influence in the supply chain.
      • When cooperation is sought from suppliers, the requester should explain the reasons for prioritized minerals, such as significant ESG risks in the supply chain
      • Unilateral requests for surveys are undesirable because they cause unnecessary costs and burdens.
      • Any discrepancies between the list of metals/minerals which result from the overall materiality/risk assessment and the list of metals/minerals specific to each supplier should be considered. Asking all suppliers about all metals/minerals places an unnecessary cost and burden on the overall supply chain.
    6. What are resources that companies can use to prioritize minerals and ESG risks??
      • The RMI has developed a tool highlighting five key criteria that companies can use to help identify prioritized minerals and ESG risks in their supply chain. RMI members can access the tool here.
      • RMI members and non-members can access the Material Insights platform to review ESG risks that are material for various minerals (how prominent are risks for specific minerals with respect to media, government, etc.?) RMI members may join the Emerging Minerals Working group to collaborate with other members in outreach activities to suppliers and to do deep learning of value chains of minerals. Members are also encouraged to regularly attend the RBA policy webinars for updates on compliance and policy developments.
      • RMI resources that form the All Minerals Due Diligence Toolbox:
      • Recommended approach to analyze and address ESG risks:

        ** HRDD: Human Rights Due Diligence
        ** DD: Due Diligence
      • In addition to Material Insights, the Raw Material Outlook platform highlights salient risks, meaning risks are more likely to occur and that have the greatest severity on impacted people and environment.
      • Additional resources for supply chain data:
    7. How can a company handle AMRT requests from suppliers/customers that include different minerals than the company's own priority minerals?
      • Considering the difference in each company’s business environment as well as risk-based approach and level of influence over the supply chain, it is understood that priority minerals might be differ by company.
      • Companies should set reporting expectations for their suppliers/customers for the AMRT. Note that the RMI does not set expectations on reporting for the AMRT, CMRT, or EMRT.
      • If the supplier's minerals selection is different from that of requesting companies, it is recommended that the supplier explains to the requesting company how they prioritized the minerals to justify.
      • It is recommended that companies hold sufficient discussions in advance with the supplier for the purpose of forming a consensus on whether or not they can respond to minerals they request information about, and when they can respond.
    8. What de minimis regulations are available for the determination of mineral reporting??
      • The Dodd-Frank Act has no de minimis while the EU Conflict Minerals Regulation includes language that relate to de minimis levels for 3TG. New legislations are being discussed in Europe which may or may not introduce de minimis levels. The RMI will monitor the progress of such laws and introduce more details when the time comes.
      • When it is clear that a specified mineral is contained in the product, it is reasonable to use existing information from de minimis rules such as material declaration regulations and public procurement for the mineral. Knowledge of the presence of a specified metal/mineral may be due to a known specification where the metal/mineral is included in the design/formulation at defined concentrations or due to a declaration of compliance from the supply chain, against a regulation such as RoHS, which defines a threshold/de minimis. Please note that declarations of compliance may not identify the presence of metals/minerals below the required threshold/de minimis.
      • If there is no existing information for specified minerals, companies can employ the risk-based approach such as the volume or spent of the mineral to prioritize the supply chain data collection of minerals. Risk-based approach, recommended by OECD DDG, is valid as it clarifies a company's leverage in the supply chain. Examples of threshold for minerals include the following:
        • EU RoHS regulated substances and their thresholds:
    9. Are metal alloys, consisting of multiple minerals, in scope of the AMRT?
      • In general, specified minerals used in alloys are in scope of the AMRT. However, a company may determine whether to include the minerals or not based on such factors as materiality, risk prioritization and available resources.
      • From Global Responsible Sourcing Due Diligence Standard for Mineral Supply Chains All Minerals: Mineral(s) [are defined as] mineral containing ore in any physical form, extracted through mining of geological deposits, processed to higher grade mineral concentrate, and used in a primary processor to produce metal products for refining.
    10. How often is the AMRT updated?
      • The AMRT revision cycle is done on an annual basis at a minimum and the file release scheduled in Q4 of each year.
      • The AMRT revision cycle may be adjusted as needed.