RMI Announcement on Upcoming AMRT (formerly PRT) 1.2 and EMRT 2.0 Releases

ALEXANDRIA, Va., September 12, 2024 – The RMI would like to share some key updates regarding its mineral reporting templates.

The Pilot Reporting Template (PRT) is being renamed as the Additional Minerals Reporting Template (AMRT), and the upcoming AMRT version 1.2 file will be released on October 4, 2024. Aside from the new name, the only other change from the previous PRT 1.1 file is the addition of German language support.

After nearly 2 years following its initial release, the PRT file has moved beyond a "pilot" phase, which justifies the new AMRT name. There were also reports of low supplier uptake with the PRT as companies may not have considered the PRT to be an official reporting template offered by the RMI or viewed it as an optional form. Therefore, the RMI anticipates greater participation with the AMRT as companies roll out their mineral surveys for the 2024 reporting year.

In addition, the RMI is pleased to announce the addition of four new minerals to the Extended Minerals Reporting Template (EMRT): copper, graphite (natural), lithium, and nickel. The upcoming EMRT 2.0 release in April 2025 will also include an optional mine-level facility tab, as offered with the PRT 1.1 file. The RMI has recognized the need to support companies' reporting requirements under the EU Battery Regulation. With the expanded EMRT scope, the RMI will be able to identify new potential RMAP assessment participants and support supply chain assurance.

The RMI will develop new guidance and training materials to aid companies in completing the new MRT versions. If you have any questions or comments regarding the MRTs, please contact Gavin Wu at gwu@responsiblebusiness.org.